Buffet B Flat Clarinet Serial # - 40468- 1955
Articulated G Sharp- This is a pre-R-13, the bore is three-hundredths of an inch larger than a modern R-13. The sidewall is four-hundredths of an inch thicker than an R-13. The early 1950s Buffets are well known for their rich, dark tonal quality. These 1950's clarinets were so sought after, Buffet re-released a copy in the late 1990s known as the 'vintage' model. Buffet's version of an articulated G Sharp allows the player to trill G Sharp with the upper banana key on the right hand (see photos). This is a very rare key work, usually only found with their 21 key models. This is not a 'blown out' instrument. It sat in a music major's closet for over 50 years. We restored this clarinet in our shop with cork pads, and high-quality waterproof pads on low E Flat, C Sharp, C-F key and Low B key. The condition of the wood is pristine, you won't find wood of this quality in a modern clarinet. There are no cracks, and there never have been! Original tweed case and cover.